Трамп дал добро: Американское средство для иранской бороды

Трамп дал добро: Американское средство для иранской бороды

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Зеленському пора обрізати член, одягати кепу і втікати в Ізраїль!

Зеленському пора обрізати член, одягати кепу і втікати в Ізраїль.

У мережі з’явилися фото протоколу, підписаного в ході засідання Тристоронньої контактної групи з врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі в Мінську.

Підписана 11 березня угода по суті фіксує суб’єктність так званої лугандонії, а росія, Німеччина, Франція та ОБСЄ визначаються гарантами-спостерігачами.

В протоколі можна знайти інформацію про створення Консультативної ради, яке заплановано вже на 25 березня. Перед цим сторони повинні будуть провести консультації з Францією, Німеччиною та ОБСЄ.

Виходячи з тексту протоколу, головним завданням нової ради стане встановлення діалогу і вироблення пропозицій щодо врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі у відповідності з Комплексами заходів. По суті, мова йде про проведення виборів на окупованих територіях.

Учасників Консультативної ради обиратимуть як Україна, так і лугандонія, а також росія, Німеччина, Франція та ОБСЄ. Сторони повинні будуть повідомити спецпредставникові голови ОБСЄ в Україні та ТКГ про те, хто буде їх представниками, не пізніше, ніж за три робочих дні до дня першого засідання ради.

Насправді підписання цієї угоди є «державною зрадою» з боку представників зеленського і зе-влади.

Слідчий СБУ, який сьогодні відкриє кримінальну справу за статтею 111 “Державна зрада” проти представників України в Тристоронній контактній групі увійде в історію Війни за Незалежність…

Підписавши угоду в Мінську про створення Консультативної ради з представниками “окремих районів України”, батько корупції леонід кучма, за вказівкою зеленського, прямо порушив Конституцію і закон України “Про особливості державної політики із забезпечення державного суверенітету України на тимчасово окупованих теріторіях у Донецькій та Луганській областях.

Потрібно визначити все коло осіб, які були причетні до зрадницької змови в Мінську і притягнути їх до відповідальності.

Мережа Правди

US Ban on Most European Visitors Takes Effect

The U.S. travel ban on most flights from Europe, a part of the U.S. strategy in preventing the spread of the deadly coronavirus, has gone into effect. U.S. President Donald Trump announced the ban Wednesday night in an address from the Oval Office.  The 30-day ban blocks most foreign visitors from 26 countries in Europe, while accepting those from Britain and Ireland. Americans and American permanent residents who were abroad at the time of Trump’s announcement were initially not sure if they would be allowed back into the country after Friday. They are exempt from the ban, but that was not immediately clear in the president’s address.   Many of them scrambled to book flights back home before the ban went into effect. Mark, a U.S. resident who was in Spain at the time of Trump’s announcement, told Reuters that he came back “a little bit earlier” than planned.”  Trump made the decision about the ban without consulting any European officials. “The European Union disapproves of the fact that the U.S. decision to impose a travel ban was taken unilaterally and without consultation,” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, and Charles Michel, president of the European Council, said in a joint statement.”The coronavirus is a global crisis, not limited to any continent, and it requires cooperation rather than unilateral action,” von der Leyen and Michel said. “The European Union is taking strong action to limit the spread of the virus.”All Americans returning from Europe will be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival back in the U.S. to try to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

Putin Approves Law That Could Keep Him in Power Until 2036

Vladimir Putin has formally signed off on constitutional amendments that would allow the Russian leader to run again for president in 2024.His approval comes a day after it was reported that all of Russia’s regional parliaments had voted in favor of the measures.In January, Putin announced a major shake-up of Russian politics and a constitutional overhaul, which the Kremlin described as a redistribution of power from the presidency to parliament.But earlier this week, Putin, who has been president or prime minister of Russia for two decades, appeared in the State Duma to back a new amendment that would allow him to ignore a current constitutional ban on him running again in 2024.The previous rules forbade him from running for a third consecutive mandate, but that changes with the provisions of the amendments, meaning he can seek a fifth overall presidential term in 2024, and conceivably a sixth in 2030.The Kremlin notes that Putin has not said whether or not he will run again in 2024.Other constitutional changes further strengthen the presidency and emphasize the priority of Russian law over international norms — a provision reflecting the Kremlin’s irritation with the European Court of Human Rights and other international bodies that have often issued verdicts against Russia.The changes also outlaw same-sex marriage and mention “a belief in God” as one of Russia’s traditional values.Both houses of the national parliament have already backed the changes as has every single regional parliament.“The Federation Council [the upper house of parliament] has received the results of voting in all 85 regional parliaments,” said Andrei Klishas, chairman of the council’s committee on constitutional law. “They are all positive,” RIA cited him as saying on March 13.The list of 85 regions he referenced includes two which are part of Russian-controlled Crimea, which Moscow forcibly annexed from Ukraine in 2014.Russia’s Constitutional Court must now examine the constitutional changes, which are due to be put to a nationwide vote in April.Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, urged its members on March 12 to rally behind Putin against what he said was a foreign campaign to discredit the constitutional reforms.

A Green Wave in French Municipal Elections?

Amid stalls of vegetables and cheap clothes, party faithful push campaign flyers at Saint-Denis’ weekly market near the French capital under scudding clouds. Some shoppers brush past, unconvinced by the political offers. Others accept the colorful manifestos, stuffing them between bags of cassavas and oranges. Located a few miles outside Paris, this gritty suburb is the ultimate French melting pot, boasting no fewer than 140 different nationalities. Ahead of the first round of French municipal elections Sunday — still on track, despite the coronavirus outbreak — bread-and-butter issues like fighting crime and increasing affordable housing rank high.A flyer advertising the candidacy of Socialist Mathieu Hanotin, who wants to expand green spaces if elected. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)But like elsewhere in France, green issues also dominate candidate platforms, powered by voter concerns about climate change, pesticides and pollution. Analysts speculate France’s Greens party could capture a number of towns, large and small. Perhaps more strikingly, however, the Greens no longer have the lock on environmental issues.   “We’re seeing the environment capturing a growing place in candidates’ platforms, regardless of their political beliefs,” said Maud Lelievre, spokeswoman for Les Eco Maires, a network of 1,800 environmentally minded communes in France. “It’s no longer a marginal issue,” Lelievre said. “It takes up pages of their platforms — issues like animal welfare, greening cities, local produce and transport. These were issues traditionally reserved for really environmental parties.”  Even in towns like Saint-Denis, with historically high abstention rates, the green vote may dominate, Lelievre said, partly because residents with strong convictions tend to be the ones heading to the polls.   A mixed political choiceAt City Hall, Mayor Laurent Russier lists priorities, from making neighborhoods clean and secure to ensuring the town’s poorest residents will not be squeezed out by wealthier transplants from Paris.   Saint-Denis Mayor Laurent Russier, whose agenda includes expanding bike lanes and eco-friendly buildings. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)As a communist, Russier fits a once-common profile for working-class French suburbs like this one. Yet his ticket offers a 21st-century twist — Greens party members — and he also describes plans to expand bike lanes and mass transport and build more low-emission buildings.   “If we want to have a real environmental transition, all our residents need to be part of it,” Russier said. “Those who are more fragile and those better off.” At the Saint-Denis market, Russier’s rivals are sounding similar messages.   “The majority of French and people living in Saint-Denis don’t vote for green parties,” although green issues are important to them, said Alexandre Aidara, running for mayor on the governing La Republique en Marche (LREM) ticket. “And they know you can be LREM and have a very good green program.” A few blocks away, Socialist Party candidate Mathieu Hanotin described how Saint-Denis sweltered in last summer’s heat wave, which he attributed to climate change.“We want to bring in new ambition on issues like soil degradation and greening public spaces,” he said.   For long-term resident Marion Tisserand, a mother of three, their arguments translated into a difficult choice. “It’s a very mixed picture among the candidates,” she said. “I have a tendency to vote green in elections, but I don’t know yet whom to go for.” Battling over the green labelCountrywide, France’s trademark Greens party hopes to consolidate its strong showing during last year’s European Parliament elections that were echoed elsewhere in Europe. Just one major French city, Grenoble, currently has a Greens party mayor. Now several other municipalities may be up for grabs during these local elections, including Bordeaux, Rouen, Strasbourg and Marseille.   Maud Lelievre of Eco Maires says environmental issues have been mainstreamed into party platforms in France. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)Lelievre, of Eco Maires, said the Greens may fare well in this first round of voting, but less so in the second round, scheduled for March 22.   “But in big towns with young, well-educated voters, there’s a chance of environmentalists coming ahead” in the second as well, she said. Yet like Saint-Denis, other municipalities are seeing a partisan battle for the green mantle. That’s the case in Paris, where Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo has built kilometers of bike lanes, has established car-free days and spaces, and has promised to expand plans to create more “urban jungles” of plants.   She has earned the ire of drivers, even as other critics claim she has covered stretches of Paris in cement as well as in trees.   “Hidalgo is ecology in small steps,” David Belliard, her Greens  party rival, said.   Yet Hidalgo remains the front-runner; Belliard ranks fourth.

Kosovo Not Ready to Lift 100% Tariff on Serbia, Bosnia Goods

Kosovo will not lift its 100% tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia anytime soon because the coalition government cannot agree on whether the import taxes should be phased out or abolished all at once, the country’s prime minister said Friday.Prime Minister Albin Kurti said his left-wing Self-Determination Movement, or Vetevendosje, wanted to lift the tariffs in phases, starting Sunday with raw materials imported from Serbia, as a goodwill gesture.The party’s main governing partner, the Democratic League of Kosovo, or LDK, wants the import taxes dropped completely. Kurti wants abolishment of the tariffs made conditional on Serbia’s stopping an international campaign against Kosovo’s recognition as a country.The coalition partners have not found a compromise, Kurti said.“In the absence of a government decision, everything remains as it is, the 100% tax remains,” he said.The United States and European Union also want Kosovo to do away with the tariffs and to resume talks with Serbia on normalizing ties.Pause in fundingThe Millenium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. independent government agency, said on Friday it would pause implementation of a $49 million funding program for Kosovo until the tariffs issue was settled.Kosovo imposed the punitive tariffs in November 2018 over Serbian efforts to block Kosovo from joining international organizations. The dispute led to the suspension of the EU-mediated talks, which started in 2011.Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic has described Kurti’s proposed phase-out as a trick.Kosovo was formerly a part of Serbia and won independence after a 1999 NATO bombing campaign that ended a bloody Serb crackdown on an armed uprising by members of Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian majority. Serbia refuses to accept Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence.

Spain Declares State of Emergency Over Coronavirus

Spain will be in a state of emergency for the next 15 days to better combat the coronavirus, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Friday, in a dramatic increase to the policy response that will allow authorities to confine people and ration goods.The state of emergency, which Sanchez said will formally be decided by a cabinet meeting on Saturday, will give the government power to take wide ranging measures including temporarily occupying factories or any other premises except private homes.”The government of Spain will protect all its citizens and will guarantee the right life conditions to slow the pandemic with as little inconvenience as possible,” Sanchez said. He did not spell out what specific measures the government will take.A tourist records with her mobile phone the landmark Sagrada Familia basilica, which stopped receiving visitors due to the coronavirus outbreak in Barcelona, Spain, March 13, 2020.Schools have already shut down across the country, with many cinemas, theaters or playgrounds also closing and trials suspended in several regions as normal life came to a halt in the euro zone’s fourth-largest economy.Spain has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases in Europe after Italy. The current Spanish tally stands at 4,209, up by about 1,000 cases from Thursday and seven times as much as on Sunday. About 120 people have died.Sanchez said the number of cases in Spain could jump to over 10,000 as early as next week but added he was confident the country would defeat the virus, urging all citizens to do their part.”Heroism is also washing your hands and staying home,” he said, referring to health advice to slow the propagation of the coronavirus.Catalonia, Spain’s second-richest region, ordered on Friday the closure of shopping centers with the exception of those selling food or essential goods, as well as gyms and nightclubs, a senior official said.The Madrid region — Spain’s wealthiest — has also decided to close restaurants, bars and shops from Saturday, media including Efe news agency said, with only supermarkets and pharmacies allowed to remain open. Authorities could not yet confirm this.

Is a Green Wave Coming in France’s Upcoming Municipal Elections?

France is shutting schools nationwide, among other coronavirus measures. But municipal elections taking place over the next two Sundays are going forward. Analyst predict a so-called ‘green wave’ of ecologically minded candidates may surge in the polls – powered by a raft of alarming environmental developments. Lisa Bryant reports from the working-class town of Saint-Denis, outside Paris.

Coronavirus Anxiety in Turkey Leads to Empty Store Shelves

After the Turkish Health Ministry recently confirmed the country’s first coronavirus case, people have been flocking to pharmacies, grocery stores, and other outlets to prepare for a potential nationwide pandemic. VOA’s Umut Colak in Istanbul, in collaboration with Murat Karabulut in Ankara, filed this report on the shortage of supplies like face masks and sanitizers, and the sudden price hikes on such items. Bezhan Hamdard narrates.Sorry, but your browser cannot support embedded video of this type, you can
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Висновки з падіння алкаша сівохо. “Внутрішній конфлікт” це тепер позиція зе-влади!!

Висновки з падіння алкаша сівохо. “Внутрішній конфлікт” це тепер позиція зе-влади!!

Про падіння Сівохо на власну платформу та чому він так нічого і не зрозумів.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Раскрошить “Панцирь”: Эрдоган крепко подмочил репутацию российской оборонки…

Раскрошить “Панцирь”: Эрдоган крепко подмочил репутацию российской оборонки…

У потенциальных покупателей возникает простой вопрос: “А какой прок с российских ракетных комплексов, если их из года в год они оказываются удобными целями, демонстрируя нулевую эффективность?..”

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Рубль бъёт очередной антирекорд! Народ начал устраивать охоту на путинских чиновников!

Рубль бъёт очередной антирекорд! Народ начал устраивать охоту на путинских чиновников!

Доллар в начале торгов в четверг подскочил до 74 рублей, но, как оказалось, это был не предел – около двух часов дня он пробил отметку в 75 рублей и продолжил расти. В последний раз американская валюта торговалась по такой цене в конце февраля 2016 года. Евро также вырос по отношению к рублю и приблизился к 85 рублям.

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Пора запасаться валежником: разорение громко стучит в дверь мокшандии…

Пора запасаться валежником: разорение громко стучит в дверь мокшандии…

“Сила сибири” оказалась слабостью россии…

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Кремль лихорадочно пытается сбросить старую шкуру и избежать кары

Кремль лихорадочно пытается сбросить старую шкуру и избежать кары

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Here’s How US Ban Will Affect Travelers

The Trump administration will be suspending travel from 26 European countries for 30 days, beginning Friday at midnight, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Vice President Mike Pence said Americans returning from Europe would Why was Britain left out of the ban?U.S. President Donald Trump said in a speech Wednesday that he excluded Britain from his travel restrictions because it was doing a “good job” in fighting the coronavirus.However, he blamed some European Union countries and said they failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hot spots.“As a result, a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travelers from Europe,” Trump said.Who is exempted under the ban?It does not apply to U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, (generally) immediate family members of U.S. citizens, people invited to the U.S. for specific purposes, air and sea crew members, foreign diplomats, and those who do not pose a significant risk and should be let in for reasons of public interest.How effective will this ban be?Sarah Pierce, a policy analyst with the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, told VOA the country is in the community spread stage of the pandemic. Pouring resources into executing a travel ban right now “is misguided at best,” she said.“Even if we were at more of a containment stage, we live in a globalized world. It’s unfeasible for us to execute real travel bans because we have U.S. citizens who are constantly traveling all over the globe. And we legally have to let them back into the United States, no matter where they’ve been,” Pierce said.In a statement, though, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf said, “The actions President Trump is taking to deny entry to foreign nationals who have been in affected areas will keep Americans safe and save American lives.”
“While these new travel restrictions will be disruptive to some travelers, this decisive action is needed to protect the American public from further exposure to the potentially deadly coronavirus,” Wolf said.What happened in the outbreak’s early days?In the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the United States imposed restrictions on other places. Noncitizens coming from China and Iran were not allowed to enter the country. U.S. citizens who had been in China could enter the country, but their flights were directed to specific U.S. airports and they were required to undergo enhanced screening. They were subject to quarantine if they showed signs of the virus.

Greece’s First Female President is Sworn In

Greece’s first female president, a former high court judge, was formally sworn in to office Friday, nearly two months after the country’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to elect her.
The swearing-in ceremony for Katerina Sakellaropoulou took place in an almost empty parliament, as part of measures being taken to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. Only a handful of lawmakers and a limited number of journalists were present.
Greece has shut down schools, universities, cinemas, theaters, gyms and nightclubs, and authorities have warned people to stay home and avoid large gatherings in an effort to contain the virus outbreak. The country so far has 117 confirmed cases and one death. The presidential swearing-in ceremony was being covered live on state television.
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis nominated Sakellaropoulou as a non-partisan candidate who would enjoy broad support from across the political spectrum. All major parties voted in favor, with Sakellaropoulou being elected to the largely ceremonial post in a 261-33 vote in January, well above the 200 votes required. Six lawmakers were absent.
Greece has a low number of women in senior positions in politics, and Mitsotakis had been criticized for selecting a nearly all-male Cabinet after he won general elections in July 2019. In the current Greek Cabinet, all but one of the 18 senior positions are held by men.

US Imposes Travel Ban on 26 European Countries to Combat Coronavirus

The Trump administration will be suspending travel from 26 European countries for 30 days, beginning Friday at midnight, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Vice President Mike Pence said Americans returning from Europe would Why was Britain left out of the ban?U.S. President Donald Trump said in a speech Wednesday that he excluded Britain from his travel restrictions because it was doing a “good job” in fighting the coronavirus.However, he blamed some European Union countries and said they failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hot spots.“As a result, a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travelers from Europe,” Trump said.Who is exempted under the ban?It does not apply to U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, (generally) immediate family members of U.S. citizens, people invited to the U.S. for specific purposes, air and sea crew members, foreign diplomats, and those who do not pose a significant risk and should be let in for reasons of public interest.How effective will this ban be?Sarah Pierce, a policy analyst with the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, told VOA the country is in the community spread stage of the pandemic. Pouring resources into executing a travel ban right now “is misguided at best,” she said.“Even if we were at more of a containment stage, we live in a globalized world. It’s unfeasible for us to execute real travel bans because we have U.S. citizens who are constantly traveling all over the globe. And we legally have to let them back into the United States, no matter where they’ve been,” Pierce said.In a statement, though, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf said, “The actions President Trump is taking to deny entry to foreign nationals who have been in affected areas will keep Americans safe and save American lives.”
“While these new travel restrictions will be disruptive to some travelers, this decisive action is needed to protect the American public from further exposure to the potentially deadly coronavirus,” Wolf said.What happened in the outbreak’s early days?In the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the United States imposed restrictions on other places. Noncitizens coming from China and Iran were not allowed to enter the country. U.S. citizens who had been in China could enter the country, but their flights were directed to specific U.S. airports and they were required to undergo enhanced screening. They were subject to quarantine if they showed signs of the virus.

Викладач одеської юракадемії сергій шубін каже студентам що Україна розвалиться та шанує пукіна!!!

Викладач відомого українського ВНЗ каже студентам що Україна розвалиться та шанує пукіна!!!

В філії одеської юракадемії викладає придурок сергій шубін, якому подобається пукін, георгіївська стрічка, “днр” та який не соромиться демонструвати свої погляди студентам

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або на email: pravdaua@email.cz
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Крах российской экономики. Это только начало

Крах российской экономики. Это только начало.

Кризис в россии. Черный вторник во всей красе. Российские акции полетели вслед за рублей и нефтью. Очередная многоходовочка от пукина и сечина. Пропаганда нам рассказывает, что это очень важное и нужное решение, ведь мол другим странам куда будет сложнее. Конечно, назло маме отморожу уши, хорошая тактика. Мы так если что Америку разорять собираемся

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В кремле дикая истерика: Саудовская Аравия повысила ставки

В кремле дикая истерика: Саудовская Аравия повысила ставки.

Среди огромного перечня недавних провалов российской политической деятельности, воинственный поход на страны ОПЕК и сланцевую нефть США – заслуживает отдельного внимания

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